Chapter 54 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 54
Off plowed his way inside Gun’s apartment. The night’s activities were visible even though they “cleaned” before letting him in.
Gun’s bed sheets were chucked away in the laundry basket. New, fresh, seemingly unused one was covering his neat bed. But that didn’t hide used condoms in the trash can. Or the lube.
Like a dying candle, Off sat on the floor next to the decorative amphora. He couldn’t look at Gun.
“We haven’t even started yet,” he cry-whispered. He looked up at the silent Gun. “Why? Why, Gun?”
“P’, I’m sorry,” Gun rushed to his side. “I’m really sorry.”
Word: 100
Chapter 53 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 53
“Please let me in,” Off continued. “I’ll be waiting here in the hallway. Take your time. To clean up.”
“Uhm,” Gun hummed. “O-okay, P’.”
Off paced outside for another five minutes before the door swung open. It revealed a taller, brawny man with a mocking smirk on his face. Behind him was Gun who was fidgeting in his large T-shirt and black shorts. He was barefoot.
Off would have swooned if he didn’t remember that another man saw him dress like that first.
“Yo, P’Off!” Joss greeted. “Gun, gotta go!”
He turned and left the two of them.
“Really, Gun?”
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Chapter 52 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 52
He rang Gun’s intercom. He waited, but no answer. He rang it again. The guard downstairs told him the young man was in. Unless he exited the back door, no one saw him come out yet.
After the third ring, a hoarse voice asked from the other side, “Yes?”
“Nong Gun? This is Off.”
“Gun!” The voice shouted. He didn’t hear the next conversation because the man who answered let go of the microphone. When it came back again, Gun’s on the other side.
“P’Off?” he sounded uncertain. Scared.
Why was he scared? Of whom? Of Off?
“Nong. Please.”
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Article | Policy Brief on Malawi's Female Genital Mutilation and Maternal Mortality
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 51 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 51
“Where are you going?” Tay asked.
Off was putting his red-and-white Adidas shoes by the doorway. “I’m going to Gun’s place?”
“Huh? Why?” Tay demanded. He tried to hold onto Off. He’s acting like the current girlfriend or a mother refusing her child to go on a school trip. “Why do you have to go?”
“Since you’ve been putting doubts in my mind,” Off said nonchalantly, “I’ll ask him himself. To make all things clear.”
He left Tay inside with his mouth on the floor.
The guard in the building from that night recognized him.
“Sir, you’re visiting N’Gun?”
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Chapter 50 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 50
“Not just for me,” he said, angry. “What? I already got his okay to date him.”
Tay stood to fetch water. He gulped down the whole glass before turning to Off. “Peng, N’Gun was a notorious flirt. He likes attention, parties, and fun. You’re don’t. Your incompatibility will only make the relationship between you two miserable. It’ll make you miserable. Period.”
Off chucked his cold noodles in the trash can, took a change of clothes, and entered the restroom.
“Well, I guess I have to woo him more,” he said to himself as he turned the knob on.
He showered.
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Chapter 49 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 49
Tay turned to him. “Off, are you really serious about N’Gun? I told you -”
“I know what you told me, “ he snapped. When he realized what he did, he apologized. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. But Tay, I love him.”
“Peng,” Tay called cautiously. “I really think N’Gun is not serious about you.”
“But you still gave him my name,” Off said. His noodles were plumping up without his attention.
Tay made an offended sound. “He asked okay. Besides, it’s just your name. I didn’t know he would search your name online. Besides, he was a good friend. Kind. Bubbly. Cute.”
Word: 100
Article | Do's and Don'ts on Sexual and Gender Minorities
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 48 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 48
“Peng, you’re just a little bit weird and more disoriented today. What happened?” Tay reached for his backpack to bring out his thick notebook.
Tay shrugged and returned to his notes. Off busied himself in the kitchen. He boiled water for his cup noodles and peeled green Indian mangoes.
“Want some?” He asked Tay as he deposited it on his desk.
“Thanks.” He put one on his mouth and savored the juicy taste. “Oh yeah, Peng, I saw N’Gun in The Hoop last night. You didn’t go with him?”
“Why not?”
“He didn’t invite me.”
“... Indeed.”
Word: 100
Chapter 47 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 47
“Peng!” Tay entered their room while dragging a sack of rice. Off was on his bed in his pajamas, and it was ten in the morning during a fine Saturday. “Help me here, dammit!”
“Arm?” He asked as they carried the sack into the tiny kitchen, propping it against the wall next to the 3-feet rice dispenser.
Tay washed his hands and dried them with a clean dish towel. He looked at Off with a “duh?” face and proceeded to the restroom. “Library volunteer.”
“You don’t have to go anywhere today?” He sat down. Tired. Sleepy.
“I just came back?”
Word: 100
Chapter 46 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 46
“So…” Off started. “Gun, do you want to go on a date this Saturday?”
Gun put a sad face. “Right, P’, about that. I don’t think I can go.”
He looked uncomfortable. His brows met and he was fidgeting with his T-shirt’s hem, crumpling it.
It was awkward. Off felt awkward. He was hesitant but excited… Now he couldn’t describe what he was feeling.
Gun was looking at the paved sidewalk when he said, “I promised a friend I’ll go to their house on Saturday…”
“Okay,” Off uttered. “Hey, don’t feel bad about it. You’ve promised them first. No problem.”
Word: 100
Article | It's Been A Year Since...
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 45 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 45
Gun’s silence was deafening. He continued shoving his teriyaki chicken inside his mouth, some sauce staining his plump lips.
New noticed Off’s attention on Gun, so he turned to his friend.
“And what are your thoughts?” He asked the man.
Gun swallowed, “Good for him.”
Tay and Arm laughed, while New shook his head. Off? His heart dropped.
“Nong Gun,” he called. “She didn’t even introduce herself. I didn’t know her. Never plan to get to know her.”
“I know,” he replied. “Don’t worry, P’. I understand. Eat your lunch. You only got three bites when she asked for you.”
Word: 100
Chapter 44 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 44
“I’m sorry, “ Off replied automatically.
Her lips wobbled and she ran away. A friend, who was definitely glaring at him, met her in a comforting embrace.
There were whispers amongst other students. A glare from him quietened them.
He went back to his friends.
“Oh, wow!” New chuckled. “P’, it’s your first time on this side and you’re already attracting birds and bees alike.”
Tay teased. “Our Peng is so popular among our juniors. They regard him highly; even teachers are so proud of him.”
“Her friend’s glare was definitely cutting you to pieces,” Arm sent him a shit-eating grin.
Word: 100
Chapter 43 Take Her To The Moon
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Chapter 43
“P’, may I speak with you privately?” She asked as she nervously glanced at his companions.
Off pursed his lips and turned to his friends. He searched Gun’s eyes asking for permission.
When he nodded, Off turned to her, “Okay.”
He excused himself and led the girl a couple steps away.
He waited until she could gather her thoughts and nerves - at least that’s what he thought she was doing.
Meanwhile, he tried to figure out what she needed from him. She looked awfully young - maybe a freshman or sophomore undergrad.
“P’, please date me!” She exclaimed loudly.
It echoed.
Word: 100
Article | A Year with SB19 and Their Concerts
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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