Poem | The Moment I Need You
Poem | Serenity Found In Harmony
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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off the knob and
pour hot water into
the teapot
with its
plain passionfruit
purple tea
in a cute china tea
cup; chicks
and hen
Short Story | Mari Can't Help Comparing
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Mari noticed an awkward aura enveloped her friend Sonia after they were introduced to Jay’s Kuya. It felt like they had something. Like a past.
In truth, when these men and women hopped out of the private bus, colored white and green with bold lettering on the side that said PIERCING ANGGITAY CLUB and their logo, a silhouette of a woman’s upper body and a horse’s body like a centaur’s, and strode towards them, Mari thought, damn, muy delicioso, because of the men’s handsomeness. The two female gamers in their team were also very, very pretty, both tall and fair-skinned. One of them, Sheila, had no make-up but still so beautiful.
Short Story | Lady Asuncion University
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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[University Hall, Lady Mary Asuncion University] [Monday, 8:56 AM]
Dana and Sonia are part of a group of ten people presenting in today’s assignment. They are taking a religious education centering on Catholic and Christian lives.
“Hello, we are group five. My name is Bryan.” Their appointed leader introduces himself. Then, like an assembly line, everyone in the group does the same. In the end, Bryan turns to their audience, “and we’re presenting about...”
Poem | Childhood Sweetheart
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Haiku Poem | Cardboards
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Short Story | Welcome to Room 218
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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[Room 218; Maligaya Girls Dormitory, D City] [Saturday: 8:58 PM]
The loudest and longest fart Jay has ever heard occurs amongst the clashing and whooshing sound effects from the role-playing game the residents of Room 218 in Maligaya Girls Dormitory are playing. All at once, Jay reaches for her Hello Kitty uchiwa from her pen holder and fans away from the smelly odor.
“Mari! That’s disgusting!”
The perpetrator only laughs wildly. “’Tamo ‘to. Not like you don’t fart. Your poop smells worse than mine.”
Short Story | Penelope
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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There once lived an orphaned girl at the edge of the village proper in a small wooden cottage. The villagers looked upon the ten-year-old girl in a secondhand dress and brown apron and the children her age chanted, “Penny, Penny, books aplenty, but no parents and no food in her belly!”
One day, while Penelope arranged the latest books from the publishing house into the bookstore’s mystery aisle, she came upon a tattered book with no hardcover protecting it amongst the pile. Curiously, the well-read girl opened the book to take a peek, and suddenly a creature in the size of her index finger with shimmering butterfly wings and rosette hair jumped out from the pages. Startled, Penny chucked the book to the floor with a bang echoed throughout the compacted store.
“Penny, dear is everything all right?” Mr. Swenksi asked from the lobby counter.
“Yes, sir.” She wiped her hands nervously at her brown apron and bent down, slowly approaching the mystical book. “Just clumsiness, sir.”
Haiku Poem | Airplane
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Haiku Poem | Tissues
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Short Story | My Best Friend Asked
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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<Trigger Warning!> <Rape>
My best friend asked me that one time, “What animal slithers, crawls, walks on four, then walk on two their whole lives?” and I was unprepared to answer because I didn’t consider myself as “animal” but thinking about it now – people are really just an animal; with intelligence, yes, but still an animal.
I walked Main Street one early evening when I heard pots and pans thundering the once quiet peace from Jesusa’s house. Curiosity got the best of me and I scaled their three-feet gate to peer from their kitchen window – stealthily, of course. I saw Jesusa on all fours, naked and crying and shouting and in pain as her older brother, Jacob, forced himself on her. 15-year-old Jesusa who was meek and silent and kept to herself in school scratched her throat raw from shouting “No!” and “Ah!!” and “Help!!!”. The neighbors remained inside their homes -blissfully unaware or blissfully does not care.
Article | Do You Know Which Is The No. 1 Cause of Death In The United States?
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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The population might say that accidents, shootings, bombs, or meteorites fall cause most of the deaths in the United States of America, but according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number one cause of death in the U.S. is heart disease.
Heart diseases are chronic conditions. There are several types of heart diseases, but the most common one is coronary artery disease (CAD). The coronary artery is the artery of the heart that supplies the heart with its own blood. The heart, like most muscles, needs oxygen-riched blood to function. For those who have CAD, their coronary arteries are partially or totally blocked with plaques made from low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol; the bad cholesterol. This is called atherosclerosis.
The three key risk factors of heart disease are high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and smoking. Other risk factors include diabetes, overweight and obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use.
Short Story | Red Wine And Pizza
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Amihan’s best friend, Tala, phoned her at 2:27 am to come to her one-room condo unit, crying, after her asshole boyfriend broke up with her through a cold text message with only a “Let’s break up” and no explanation, not even a ridiculous one like “I can’t stand your smelly feet.”
Since she’s an awesome friend living just two doors down the hallway, Amihan rang Tala’s doorbell 3 minutes after she received the call, with a box of opened Kleenex and a bottle of Stella Rosa Red, the one that promised of bringing out a person’s inner femme fatale.
Haiku Poem | Bed
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Haiku Poem | Laundry
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Burst/Drabble/Short Story | The Solution to Estrella's Problem
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Trigger Warning! <Domestic Violence, Implied/Mentioned Domestic Violence, Harm, Implied/Mentioned Attempted Rape>
Article | How Thick Is Your Face?
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Short Story | Snow White And Sleeping Beauty
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Haiku Poem | Fan
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang
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Update: Welp... Spring Semester Started Last Week!
By Eddlynn Jennifer Mangaoang Please do not copy or post to another site. Thank you. Enjoy reading. So here's what's going to happe...
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